
The risk of being exposed to digital threats increases at the same time as the threats have changed shape. From the hacker and an interest in over-listing techniques to a criminal industry to make money. When the payment requirements will be sent, the question is how you become more aware of the risks and how you can protect your business. At #CyberNorth the participants got to see, hear and test their awareness with industry representatives and experts.

During the event ~130 participants from industry and authorities shared an interest and of knowing more about Cyber-, IT- and information security with students and people from organisations that supports the senior society (pensioners and elderly)

Based on a interactive service used during the event, ~90% of the participants that answered told that they have been exposed to digital threats.

Summary by one of the speakers:

A whole day full of very interesting, and inspiring talks about Cyber- IT- and Information Security came to an end. Feels warm and fuzzy when you realize that, a lot of fruitful discussions are emerging during the event. Thanks a lot #CyberNorth, for giving me the opportunity to talk about the cyber security challenges in automotive industry. The feeling of knowing that, people in every part of Sweden are raising the level of cyber security awareness, it is priceless. Special thanks to the great team of people, who were behind this event! #CYNIC #LTU #interregNord #cybersecurity #informationsecurity #cybersecurityawareness

Media coverage from the event:
SVT Norrbotten: ”Norrbotten dåligt rustat mot cyberhot”

SR – Eftermiddag i P4 Norrbotten:

SecurityUser Sverige: ”Norrbotten dåligt rustat mot cyberhot”