Cyber security awareness is the key of your company´s safety

This is a slide from Albert Altmans presentation. It is written like this: 63 % Actual cyber attack on companies. 72 % Future increase of cloud services, 43 % Increase of their company´s security budget, 96 % Of companies believe that cyber security should be included in education program.

In the Cynic-Meet the audience heard a lot about cyber security threats and future concerns. We learned that Cyber security experts are working hard to protect user’s privacy and online-life safety. Cyber Security expert Tom Tuunainen from Centria University of Applied Sciences presented three work cases. He told about how to find vulnerabilities, how to do a security risk assessment, and how important research is in the field of cyber security.

This is a slide from Tom Tuunainen´s presentation. It is written like this:Security Risk Assessment #1 What exactly is a Security Risk Assessment? #2 Why do you need a Security Risk Assessment? #3 What is the difference between Risk Management and a Security Risk Assessment?

The idea of the webinar was not to make people scare, but to be aware. There is still hope and there are methods to improve the security.

Albert Altman from Cyberty Ab stresses that it is very important to work proactive. He reminds us to always be aware of backups! If your system is exposed to a crypto-virus attack and all the data gets encrypted, your work gets interrupted, or in the worst case lost completely. That is why it is important to be prepared by having a plan on what to do in case of a cyberattack, and making sure that everybody in your company knows about it. Remember also to test your plan!

This is a slide from Albert Altmans presentation. It is writen like this: Backup and TEST! 3-2-1 backup strategy teps: data copies (1 primary and 2 bacups), types of storage, off-site storage.

Be proactive!

The society is not working proactive when it comes to cyber security. One reason for this is, that there is a lack of competence in the field. Cyber security needs people from different backgrounds since all kind of people use the internet and online devices.

The digitalization of the society has been incredibly fast. We learn to play online games already at kindergarten, but there are not many materials available for education that teaches children about cyber security. Both, the speakers and the audience at Cynic-Meet think that more education is needed and it should be part of a lifelong learning process.