A Deep dive in the Topics of Cybersecurity and Disinformation

Photo: Annika Svensson

Åsa Ericson, a representative for the ISSUE project, was specially invited to a round table discussion with Bob Jensen and Mark Pfeifle. The discussions were a unique occasion for knowledge sharing and learning. The event was hosted by the project Rural ICT Testbed/#Fulltäckning represented by Annika Svensson, and in collaboration with Hanna Linderstål, Earhart Business Protection Agency.

The topics for the round table discussion were Cybersecurity and disinformation concerning risk, crisis and resilience.  Bob Jensen advises and consults on crisis, emergency, disaster risk management, communication strategy, and countering disinformation and “Fake news”. Mark Pfeifle, founder and president of the strategy and communications firm, Off the Record Strategies. They have, among others, earned their expertise working for the US Government and President Obama. Their visit to Luleå was a deep dive into cybersecurity. The day started with an appreciated speech for students, a round table discussion and ended with an open talk at Luleå Science Park.



Link to Rural ICT Testbed/#fulltäckning:
