Johan Lugnet was one of the speakers who contributed insights from the ISSUES project in a live webinar on September 13. The event’s subject was increased cyber security and empowerment in digital environments. The organisers who invited the project manager from ISSUES were the EU project SIFIS-Home. Over 50 participants listened to presentations and panel debates and asked curious questions.
Cyber security and information security challenges have increased significantly across Europe recently and interest many researchers and practitioners. With such challenges, it is easy for empowerment and inclusion to receive less attention. SIFIS-Home, therefore, arranged a webinar on cyber security and empowerment in digital environments where 50 international participants listened to a presentation Johannes Mikkonen, who represented the European Parliament (MEP).
A panel debate between three project managers for their respective EU projects, one project manager from Italy, one from Finland and Johan from our Swedish-Finnish collaboration, shared their experiences and challenges for the future concerning digitalisation, equality, and human rights. Laura Palovuori acted as the moderator for the webinar.