The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) launched in May the 2023 edition of the 100 list of current research with the potential to create value. This year’s selected research projects focus on climate change, energy supply, welfare technology, cybersecurity, and crisis preparedness. We were honoured to be one of those selected projects within cybersecurity with the contribution– Cybersecure behaviour for the digital progress in business.
Our contribution addressed method development for increasing awareness. We would like to acknowledge the support from Interreg Aurora through the ISSUES project and The Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity through the DiTrust project.
On October 4th, Johan Lugnet successfully performed a research pitch at the Research2Business, R2B Summit in Stockholm. The pitch was an outstanding achievement, also acknowledged by the organisers. And – what an excellent contribution to Cybersecurity Month.
#R2B Summit #IVAs100-lista #InterregAurora #familjenkampradsstiftelse