Cybersecurity Workshop about Network Scanning

A recent cybersecurity workshop centered on network scanning brought together professionals and enthusiasts to explore the role of scanning in cybersecurity. The event introduced participants to the fundamentals of network scanning, including its purpose in identifying devices, open ports, and potential vulnerabilities. Ethical considerations, such as the importance of scanning with permission, were also emphasized.

The workshop featured hands-on exercises where attendees used tools like Nmap and Wireshark to perform various types of scans and interpret the results. Participants gained experience with techniques like TCP Connect and SYN scan, learning how to identify network weaknesses and mitigate potential risks through measures such as closing ports and using firewalls.

Advanced topics, such as vulnerability assessment and penetration testing, were also covered, illustrating how network scanning fits into a comprehensive security strategy. The workshop concluded with a discussion of real-world examples, showcasing how proactive scanning has successfully prevented cyberattacks, and helping participants apply these skills to secure their own networks.

In the picture above are an innovative device called GEDAA, Tom Tuunainen from Centria University of Applied Sciences, and Antti Arola from Elektro-Arola Oy.