Understanding and addressing cybersecurity challenges in robotics is crucial

Robots are now widely used in our society, but as their numbers grow, so does the incidence of cybersecurity attacks targeting them. Therefore, it is essential to examine the cybersecurity challenges associated with robotics to provide robots with the protection they require in today’s world.

Cybersecurity vulnerabilities can emerge during the development of robot platforms, applications, hardware, and sensors, among other components. However, robot users can also create issues through their own actions. Potential problems can also arise from the actions of cybercriminals. Numerous studies on robotics cybersecurity reveal that criminals are adept at compromising the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of robotic systems.

The articles reviewed for this paper indicate that criminals often target not only the theft of information but also interference with the wireless networks of robotic devices, manipulation of robot behavior, commands, or command chains, alteration of information contained within robots, physical damage, and espionage activities.

Although many researchers are addressing cybersecurity issues in robotics, the field still requires greater attention and study. For instance, it is crucial to answer the question: which components of robots are most vulnerable to cyberattacks and therefore require additional protection?

Agricultural robots, often performing tasks outdoors, are particularly susceptible to physical attacks. Rescue robots, in contrast, are highly vulnerable to wireless interference due to their reliance on wireless network control systems, while industrial robots may pose a threat to their operating environments if criminals gain access to their source code.

Ensuring the safety of robots is thus paramount. For example, implementing artificial intelligence in robotics should be thoroughly investigated, as it could significantly enhance the resilience of robots. Weak or absent authentication, encryption, and physical protection are frequently the root causes of poor cybersecurity in robotics; addressing these deficiencies would likely result in significant improvements. Additionally, examining forensic methods applicable to cybersecurity could yield fruitful insights into enhancing the cybersecurity landscape for robotics.

Do you want to know more? Read (in Finnish) about this topic in Centria Bulletin:

Centria Bulletin (ISSN 2489-3714) is an online journal where the article was first published.

Tom Tuunainen
R&D Developer
Centria University of Applied Sciences
Tel. +358 40 681 7207


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